Wednesday 24 December 2014

Christmas Plushiland 2014, Ratti von Plush Give DIAMONDS

It is time once more for Christmas. It is my 12th Christmas. Today, WE received a Royal Sled. And later WE will be travelling around the world to collect Diamonds. Bit like Father Christmas, only difference is that you give US, Father Ratti Christmas the Presents. High, Value, Portable Property; Diamonds Preferred.

Father Ratti Christmas, out collecting Diamonds
Waiting for the Real Father Christmas, Not Father Ratti Christmas

Plushiland welcomes another orphan

Plushiland at the Movies. Lord Gediva, is closest to the camera.

In OUR last post WE mentioned the Paddington Bear Movie. Well some Plushiland representatives went and saw it with THE HUMAN. Well it was very boring and they went to sleep during the movie. HUMAN children might like it. BUT London is not nearly as welcoming as the movie suggests. Enough said!
And another orphan finds a home at Christmas
Wrap up warm

Well We must be off and start collecting OUR gifts. Seems that squirrels are responsible for global warming. Not it not Squirrels, YOU HUMANS are to Blame.

So Merry Christmas and Merry Plush. I will be back in the new Year, and all years are the Year of the Ratti.

Further Comment not required.

Ratti Von Plush

Great Liberal
PLUSHI Resources Director,
Keeper of the FLYFF,
DIAMOND Collector,
King of Salford,
Lord Protector of Plushiland,
Pontifex Maximus of the Great Plushi in the Sky,
Lord President of the Privy Council of Plushiland,
Grand Vizier (AY AY AY),
Office of the King,
Plushi Towers,